
New media framework is making Mac/iOS not render

Steps to Reproduce

For Mac:
1. Run QAGame and open the TM-Media map in the editor.
2. Search for the MediaPlayer instance in the ContentBrowser.
3. Open it and play movies in the MediaPlayer editor window.
4. Open the same map in -game mode and ensure that the movie screen plays.

For iOS:
1. Open a new blank BP project for Mobile with no content.
2. Add a new level & set this is as the project startup level.
3. Add a new folder called Movies
4. Add a new H.264 encoded .mp4 movie from another sample (i.e. Gideon_H264.mp4 from QAGame) to the folder. Make sure the file is copied to the Content/Movies directory of the project. Make sure the asset path is relative: ./Movies/Gideon_H264.mp4
5. Add a MediaPlayer object and use it to create a video output texture and audio sound wave.
6. Create a material from the MediaPlayer_Video texture.
7. Add a cube object to the level and assign the MediaPlayer material from 6. to it.
8. Use Blueprints toolbar to open the Level blueprint.
9. Attach an "Open Source" node to Event BeginPlay set the target to the MediaPlayer in the content browser and the media source to the video asset added in 4.
10. Attach a "Play" node to the output node to of "Open Source" and make the target the media player.
11. Compile, save and close the blueprint.
12. Add an Ambient Sound, connect the MediaPlayer sound wave as its sound.
13. Setup signing for the project.
14. Use Project Launcher's Advanced features to deploy to an iOS device using Cook By the Book.
15. Movies should play.

Have Comments or More Details?

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Affects Versions4.13
Target Fix4.13
Fix Commit3088149
Main Commit3092051
Release Commit3088149
CreatedAug 5, 2016
ResolvedAug 12, 2016
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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