Developer Notes

Won't fix. You have to use an MakeArray node if you want to set a array member var


When splitting the pin on a struct variable that has an array in it causes an error that requires the user to plug something into the array pin instead of using the default values given in the struct. This could cause clutter in blueprints if the struct is used multiple times and/or has multiple arrays.

Error: The current value ((False)) of the New Var 0 Member Var 0 pin is invalid: Array inputs (like 'Member Var 0') must have an input wired into them (try connecting a make array node)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the editor
  2. Create a new structure blueprint
  3. Add a member to the struct
  4. Make this member an array
  5. Save
  6. Open the level blueprint
  7. Add the struct as a set variable to event graph
  8. Split the pin for the struct by right clicking
  9. connect it to begin play
  10. Hit compile
  11. Notice that an error is given (see description)

Expected: The user would be able to split the pin and access various parts of the struct. This would allow them to plug in new values for certain parts of the struct and leave others to the default
Result: An error is given that suggests plugging in a "Make array Node" this could cause clutter if multiple arrays are used

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.12.5
CreatedAug 8, 2016
ResolvedAug 8, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018