
As mentioned in closed bug [Link Removed], memory isn't being freed when the server changes maps.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download attached project
  2. Right-click on .uproject and generate visual studio files
  3. Open .uproject
  4. Package game as Windows 64
  5. Close editor
  6. Open .sln
  7. In Visual Studio, build project as Development Server
  8. After build, navigate to project folder -> Binaries -> Win64
  9. Copy UE466668Server.exe
  10. Paste UE466668Server.exe at location of packaged game->WindowsNoEditor->UE466668->Binaries->Win64
  11. Create short-cut for UE466668Server.exe and at the end of the "Target" path of short-cut, add "-log"
  12. Run short-cut for UE466668Server.exe
  13. Open Task Manager and watch UE466668Server.exe memory usage


Notice memory for UE466668Server.exe consistently rises whenever the map changes (every 12 seconds).


Memory is freed when map is changed.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions4.12.5
CreatedAug 9, 2016
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021