
In ContentExamples on sample 1.6 of the Material_Properties map, the text overflows the area given for it.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download ContentExamples project from the EpicGamesLauncher
  2. Launch the 4.13 GameDev Engine
  3. Open ContentExamples project from the project browser
  4. File > Open Level > Material_Properties
  5. Begin PIE
  6. Navigate to Example 1.6
    OBSERVE: Text overflows the area it is given

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ComponentDocs - Samples
Affects Versions4.13
Target Fix4.13
Fix Commit3089242
Main Commit3109685
Release Commit3089242
CreatedAug 13, 2016
ResolvedAug 15, 2016
UpdatedMay 2, 2018
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