While using the commandlet for RebuildPackages with -BuildLighting and having any sub-levels with level transforms will be added to the current position each time this commandlet is run.
As an example, If the level transform is set to xy of 500 for their transform, then running the commandlet the next time you open the level the level will be moved by that much each time the commandlet is run.
Image attached to demonstrate
Tested with:
4.12.5 CL-3039270
4.13.0 CL-3106830
4.14 Dev-Main CL-3123104
1. Open test project
2. Open the .bat file and change the UE4Editor.exe absolute path to be your path for the engine and change the project path to be the absolute path for this project folder.
3. Open the project to see the correct location placement.
4. Run the .bat file to build lighting
5. Open the project to see the levels have adjusted based on their transform in the Level Details for the sub-level_1 (Blue) based on the transform.
Regression: No
Results: Each time the .bat file is run the sublevel_1 has added the level transform to the position of the of the previous build.
Expected: The level should not have this transform taken into account when using resavepackages commandlet for building lighting.
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-35942 in the post.
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Component | UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker |
Affects Versions | 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 |
Target Fix | 4.14 |
Fix Commit | 3142510 |
Main Commit | 3147801 |
Created | Sep 13, 2016 |
Resolved | Sep 28, 2016 |
Updated | Feb 26, 2019 |