A user reported that attempting to create an installed binary build of the Engine using BuildGraph will fail. This seems to be because we include the UE Simplygon implementation, but do not disable building it if Simplygon is not installed.
When the build fails, the following errors are shown:
Module.SimplygonSwarm.cpp D:\Source\ForTestingPurposes\UnrealEngine-master\Engine\Source\Developer\SimplygonSwarm\Public\SimplygonSwarmPrivatePCH.h(12): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ssf.h': No such file or directory Error executing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\cl.exe (tool returned code: 2) Module.SimplygonMeshReduction.cpp D:\Source\ForTestingPurposes\UnrealEngine-master\Engine\Source\Developer\SimplygonMeshReduction\Public\SimplygonTypes.h(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'SimplygonSDK.h': No such file or directory Error executing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\cl.exe (tool returned code: 2)
The build fails with the errors mentioned in the description.
The build completes successfully.
Deleting the SimplygonSwarm and SimplygonMeshReduction folders from Engine/Source/Developer may allow the build to complete successfully.
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Head over to the existing Questions & Answers thread and let us know what's up.
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Component | UE - Foundation - Horde - BuildGraph |
Affects Versions | 4.14 |
Target Fix | 4.14 |
Created | Oct 13, 2016 |
Resolved | Oct 13, 2016 |
Updated | Sep 23, 2019 |