The compile toast notification read that it was successful, then the Editor crashed about 10 seconds later.
Error Message in Crash Reporter:
Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
Haven't been able to recreate crash.
Occurred while running test pass [Link Removed]
/Game/C++ Classes/QAGame/Classes/
void EnableGravity(bool decision);
FString EnableGravity(bool decision, FString result);
void AQABlueprintChild_TestClass::EnableGravity(bool decision) { MeshComp->SetSimulatePhysics(decision); MeshComp->SetEnableGravity(decision); }
FString AQABlueprintChild_TestClass::EnableGravity(bool decision, FString result) { MeshComp->SetSimulatePhysics(decision); MeshComp->SetEnableGravity(decision); result += decision ? TEXT("Gravity Enabled") : TEXT("Gravity Disabled"); return result; }
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!EditorLevelUtils::GetWorlds() editorlevelutils.cpp:857
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FEditorFileUtils::AutosaveMapEx() filehelpers.cpp:2325
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FPackageAutoSaver::AttemptAutoSave() packageautosaver.cpp:178
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UUnrealEdEngine::Tick() unrealedengine.cpp:399
UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() launchengineloop.cpp:2859
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() launch.cpp:152
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() launchwindows.cpp:126
UE4Editor!WinMain() launchwindows.cpp:202
UE4Editor!__scrt_common_main_seh() exe_common.inl:264
error message when install in U.E 5.3 - IS-IN-FCO2-82
I am not able to find world outliner how to enable it?
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What method is used to fill polygonal regions when drawing spline mesh at run time?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-37590 in the post.
0 |
Component | UE - Foundation - Core |
Affects Versions | 4.14 |
Target Fix | 4.14 |
Created | Oct 20, 2016 |
Resolved | Nov 3, 2016 |
Updated | Apr 27, 2018 |