
When the 'Fracture' button is clicked on a Destructible Mesh made from SM_MatPreviewMesh_02, the editor immediately freezes and stops responding.

Steps to Reproduce

1.  Open the Example Editor
2.  Find a static mesh
3.  Right click it and select Create Destructible Mesh
4.  Open the DM
5.  Under Fracture Settings>Voronoi, change the Cell Site Count to a very high number (like 5000)
6.  Hit Fracture Mesh
The fracture process starts, but the editor more or less becomes frozen for a long time
A warning message if you set the Cell Site Count above, say, 1000 that says You are attempting Fracture with a very high Chunk count, this may take a very long time.  Would you like to continue? Y or N .  With an option to dismiss this message in the future.


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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions4.14
CreatedJul 25, 2014
ResolvedFeb 5, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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