
In the Gameplay Tag List, if the user adds a string of tags, then adds one on top of it, attempting to delete the previous end subtag will produce a toast saying the tags were deleted. However, the tags will still be listed in the Tag List.

In the example given in the steps, the user adds A.B.C, and then adds D after. If they try to delete C, they'll receive a toast saying the were deleted, but they were not.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open QAGame in editor.
  2. Click on Edit > Project Settings.
  3. In the left panel, select GameplayTags.
  4. In the Add New Gameplay Tag setting, enter the name A.B.C and press Enter.
  5. In the Gameplay Tag List, expand A and then B.
  6. Click the plus sign for C and add a subtag named D.
  7. Click the down arrow for C and select Delete.


A toast will appear claiming A.B.C where deleted but they still appear on the list.

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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-39344 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.15
Target Fix4.15
Fix Commit3223831
Main Commit3227721
CreatedDec 5, 2016
ResolvedDec 6, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018