
After duplicating a destructible mesh in the level, in the Details panel for the duplicate, the Destructible Mesh setting will be listed as "None" rather than carrying over the mesh set in the original.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Opened QAGame in the Editor
  2. Searched the Content Browser for "SM_Collision_DM"
  3. Dragged "SM_Collision_DM" into the level
  4. Created three duplicates by:
    • Right Click > Edit > Duplicate
    • Clicked on "SM_Collision_DM" and ALT-dragged the transform widget to the side
    • Clicked on "SM_Collision_DM" and hit CTRL-W
  5. Viewed the three duplicates Destructible Mesh under Destructible Component


In the Details panel for the duplicate destructible, Destructible Mesh is listed as None.

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Won't Fix
CreatedDec 15, 2016
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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