
A networked VR (HMD) game will result in an undesirable rotation for the pawn on startup for a network client, and the issue is dependent on timing.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Prepare an Oculus Rift and HTC Vive to run on the same computer
  2. Download [Link Removed] and extract it
  3. Download [Link Removed] or create your own (path needs to be updated depending on where you extract project to), and save run.bat in Engine/Binaries/Win64
    • start "SERVER (STEAM VR)" "UE4Editor.exe" "D:\Unreal Projects\VrTemplateNetworked\VrTemplateNetworked.uproject" MotionControllerMap?listen -game -log -hmd=steamvr
      start "CLIENT (OCULUS RIFT)" "UE4Editor.exe" "D:\Unreal Projects\VrTemplateNetworked\VrTemplateNetworked.uproject" -game -log -hmd=oculusrift
  4. Navigate to Engine/Binaries/Win64, while holding shift with nothing selected, right click and select "open command window here"
  5. Type "run.bat" and hit enter
    • Two instances of unreal editor will open, a server using steam vr (vive) and a client (rift)
    • If the rift headset is at an odd angle at startup, the orientation of the world will be incorrect compared to reality (whatever orientation the vive is at during startup, the world will be aligned to that)
  6. Open the editor for the VRTemplateNetworked project, and uncheck "UseControllerRotationRoll" in MotionControllerPawn, save
  7. Run "run.bat" again
    • Notice issue no longer occurs

With the batch file for me it seems to always repro, but the licensee mentioned it was timing specific

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.14
CreatedFeb 20, 2017
ResolvedMar 20, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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