Developer Notes

This is by design. The ScrollBox delays capturing the mouse until enough movement as been detected to denote a users attempt to scroll. Once that happens, no mouse up will be delivered to anyone other than the ScrollBox. Otherwise buttons would get clicked after dragging.

There is a related bug where mouse leave was not issued however when capture was taken - that bug has been fixed in another branch and will return to main soon.


Mouse Up Detection lost inside Scrollbox when dragging and releasing inside.
This issue occurs when trying to detect on mouse up for a scroll box

This issue also occurs in 4.14.3

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a Blank Mobile Project (Set for Mobile, Scalable 3D or 2D, No starter Content)
  2. Create a Widget > Name it "Child_Widget" > Open Child_Widget
  3. Delete the canvas panel in the widget > Add a Size Box
  4. Change Height & Width Override to 200
  5. Add a Border as a child of the Size Box
  6. Go to the Event Graph and Override the On Mouse Up function
  7. In the On Mouse Up function add a print string node and connect it
  8. Create a New Widget > Name it "Parent_Widget" > Open Parent_Widget
  9. Add a Scroll Box to the Canvas Panel > Add Child_Widget to the Scroll Box
  10. Add another Child_Widget to the Canvas Panel
  11. In the Level Blueprint Create the Blueprint in Screenshot_01
  12. PIE and Click and drag on the Child_Widget that was a part of the canvas panel and release the mouse somewhere on the panel (Expected result)
  13. Perform the same action above on the Child_Widget in the Scroll Box

Result: If click and dragged the mouse up does not print
Expected Result: Mouse up prints the string

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By Design
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.14.34.15
CreatedFeb 28, 2017
ResolvedMar 7, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019