Developer Notes

SSR isn't a supported feature for mobile and isn't feasible for current hardware. Planar reflections should be used instead.


In our Docs page SSR is listed as compatible with mobile here:

While testing this doesn't seem to be the case so either we have a bug or the documentation needs to be updated.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new blank project for mobile and high quality settings (make sure mobile HDR is supported)
  2. Create a new material with roughness = 0, metallic = 1, base color = 1
  3. Apply material to the floor mesh and look at it at a low angle to confirm that SSR is working
  4. Set the current map as the default startup map
  5. Deploy to mobile device

The floor mesh will appear black.

The floor mesh reflects the skysphere at lower view angles (SSR).

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions4.14.34.15
CreatedMar 7, 2017
ResolvedMar 9, 2017
UpdatedNov 3, 2020