
It looks like building HostProject for UE4Editor succeeds, then UE4Game fails, leaving a valid UE4Editor binary under HostProject/Plugins. If this is copied under Editor/Plugins, it will be found and loaded.

Steps to Reproduce
  • open attached project in editor
  • package "TestCommandletCat" plugin
  • Package fails as expected with "error C2039: 'PostEditChange': is not a member of 'AWorldSettings'"
  • copy resulting "TestCommandletPlugin" folder from package directory to Engine\Plugins
  • run from cmd "UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -run=HelloWorld"
  • -> run succeeds (see "LogTestCommandletPlugin:Display: Hello world!" in log)
  • Expected: failure "Error: HelloWorldCommandlet looked like a commandlet, but we could not find the class."

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Won't Do
CreatedMar 27, 2017
ResolvedMar 30, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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