This issue has been closed as 'Won't Fix' due to an extended period of time without updates. If this issue is important to you please let us know by posting on the AnswerHub or UDN, and Epic will re-open the ticket for further review.
If an FDateTime variable is created in code and has a default value set in blueprints, any instance that is set to the blueprint default value changes to the code default on hot reload. This includes setting instances to struct default if no explicit default is set in code.
If the instance of the variable has been explicitly set, the hot reload does not affect the instance.
No - same behavior occurs in 4.14.3 (CL 3249277)
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Calendar")
FDateTime StartGameDate = FDateTime(2017, 12, 12);
if (GEngine)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 4.f, FColor::Magenta, StartGameDate.ToString());
StartGameDate value of the instance changes after hot reload
Blueprint default value overrides code based value after hot reload
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-45541 in the post.
3 |
Component | UE - Gameplay - Blueprint |
Affects Versions | 4.14.3, 4.15.3, 4.16 |
Created | May 31, 2017 |
Resolved | Aug 18, 2021 |
Updated | Aug 18, 2021 |