I traced through the callstack and it looks like the problem is as follows:
I tried the following modification in FNodeFactory::CreatePinWidget:
else if (InPin->PinType.PinCategory == K2Schema->PC_Byte) { // Check for valid enum object reference if ((InPin->PinType.PinSubCategory != K2Schema->PSC_Bitmask) && (InPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject != NULL) && (InPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject->IsA(UEnum::StaticClass()))) { return SNew(SGraphPinEnum, InPin); } else { return SNew(SGraphPinInteger, InPin); } }
This didn't work, because PinSubCategory isn't set.
However, even if PinSubCategory was set, I have doubts whether that code path would work at all. At first glance, it seems that SGraphPinInteger might expect 32-bit fields, and applying it to 8-bit fields might clobber adjacent properties or values on the stack frame.
I'm not sure what the best solution is. One option is to add uint32 support for BP function parameters. Another would be to add uint8 support to SGraphPinInteger.
1) Open Level Blueprint editor
2) Add a "EnumerateVideoCaptureDevices" BP function
Notice that the pin for the "Filter" parameter is rendered as a drop-down list instead of a set of checkboxes.
> UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!FNodeFactory::CreatePinWidget(UEdGraphPin * InPin) Line 315 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNode::CreatePinWidget(UEdGraphPin * Pin) Line 1096 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNode::CreateStandardPinWidget(UEdGraphPin * CurPin) Line 1064 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNode::CreatePinWidgets() Line 1091 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNode::UpdateGraphNode() Line 932 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNodeK2Base::UpdateStandardNode() Line 48 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNodeK2Base::UpdateGraphNode() Line 342 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphNodeK2Default::Construct(const SGraphNodeK2Default::FArguments & InArgs, UK2Node * InNode) Line 15 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!RequiredArgs::T1RequiredArgs<UK2Node * __ptr64 & __ptr64>::CallConstruct<SGraphNodeK2Default>(const TSharedRef<SGraphNodeK2Default,0> & OnWidget, const SGraphNodeK2Default::FArguments & WithNamedArgs) Line 852 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!TDecl<SGraphNodeK2Default,RequiredArgs::T1RequiredArgs<UK2Node * __ptr64 & __ptr64> >::operator<<=(const SGraphNodeK2Default::FArguments & InArgs) Line 1093 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!FNodeFactory::CreateNodeWidget(UEdGraphNode * InNode) Line 192 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!SGraphPanel::AddNode(UEdGraphNode * Node, SGraphPanel::AddNodeBehavior Behavior) Line 1349 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!<lambda_a4d83f43f9247a02ef9d71c614e6b7ae>::<lambda_invoker_cdecl>(double __formal, float __formal, SGraphPanel * Parent, TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode,FWeakObjectPtr> NodePtr, bool bForceUserAdded) Line 1642 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!UE4Tuple_Private::TTupleImpl<TIntegerSequence<unsigned int,0,1,2>,SGraphPanel * __ptr64,TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode,FWeakObjectPtr>,bool>::ApplyAfter<enum EActiveTimerReturnType (__cdecl*const & __ptr64)(double,float,SGraphPanel * __ptr64,TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode,FWeakObjectPtr>,bool),double & __ptr64,float & __ptr64>(EActiveTimerReturnType(*)(double, float, SGraphPanel *, TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode,FWeakObjectPtr>, bool) & Func, double & <Args_0>, float & <Args_1>) Line 423 C++ UE4Editor-GraphEditor-Win64-Debug.dll!TBaseStaticDelegateInstance<enum EActiveTimerReturnType __cdecl(double,float),SGraphPanel * __ptr64,TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode,FWeakObjectPtr>,bool>::Execute(double <Params_0>, float <Params_1>) Line 959 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!FActiveTimerHandle::ExecuteIfPending(double CurrentTime, float DeltaTime) Line 48 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::ExecuteActiveTimers(double CurrentTime, float DeltaTime) Line 991 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 869 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 88 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!SBox::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 245 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!SBorder::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 86 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 88 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!SSplitter::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 165 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!SSplitter::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 165 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 88 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!SBorder::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 86 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 88 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!SSplitter::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 165 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 88 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FArrangedChildren & ArrangedChildren, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 30 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 88 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 35 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWindow::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1839 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 899 C++ UE4Editor-SlateCore-Win64-Debug.dll!SWindow::PaintWindow(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1831 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!FSlateApplication::DrawWindowAndChildren(const TSharedRef<SWindow,0> & WindowToDraw, FDrawWindowArgs & DrawWindowArgs) Line 1233 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!FSlateApplication::DrawWindowAndChildren(const TSharedRef<SWindow,0> & WindowToDraw, FDrawWindowArgs & DrawWindowArgs) Line 1325 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!FSlateApplication::PrivateDrawWindows(TSharedPtr<SWindow,0> DrawOnlyThisWindow) Line 1473 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!FSlateApplication::DrawWindows() Line 1190 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!FSlateApplication::TickApplication(ESlateTickType TickType, float DeltaTime) Line 1777 C++ UE4Editor-Slate-Win64-Debug.dll!FSlateApplication::Tick(ESlateTickType TickType) Line 1595 C++ UE4Editor-Win64-Debug.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() Line 3325 C++ UE4Editor-Win64-Debug.exe!EngineTick() Line 63 C++ UE4Editor-Win64-Debug.exe!GuardedMain(const wchar_t * CmdLine, HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, int nCmdShow) Line 169 C++ UE4Editor-Win64-Debug.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * __formal, int nCmdShow) Line 199 C++ UE4Editor-Win64-Debug.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 253 C++ kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk() Unknown ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
i have this problem UE4CC-Windows-58DC12AF4B97F057BD108FBFF569B2E9_0000
I am not able to find world outliner how to enable it?
Undefined sysmbol: typeinfo for AActor when cross-compile linux dedicated server on windows
Delay nodes occasionally don't fire the "Completed" output in a nativized build
When I open UE4 4.24.3 it appears that. Does anyone know how to solve?
How can i modify the param name in EQS node
How to achieve HLSL Multiple Render Target in Material blueprints?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-48166 in the post.
0 |
Component | UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor |
Affects Versions | 4.17 |
Target Fix | 4.18 |
Created | Aug 8, 2017 |
Resolved | Aug 16, 2017 |
Updated | Apr 27, 2018 |