Developer Notes

This is an intentional change in behavior. A non-BlueprintType USTRUCT should not be visible to blueprints.


Defining a FBoneReference variable as BlueprintReadWrite or BlueprintReadOnly in the UPROPERTY macro fails to compile in 4.17. The error message provided by VS states:

LogCompile: Error: Type 'FTestStruct' is not supported by blueprint. MyActor.Rando

This is likely caused by FBoneReference's USTRUCT not including the BlueprintType specifier

Yes - Code provided in repro steps does compile successfully in 4.16.3 binary


  • Adding BlueprintType to FBoneReference's USTRUCT macro allows repro code to compile
  • Creating a wrapper struct that is BlueprintType with a FBoneReference variable will compile if FBoneReference FingerTipBone; is replaced with FWrapperStruct WrapperVar; in the repro steps
  • Removing BluerpintReadWrite from the UPROPERTY macro allows VS to compile
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open UE4 Editor (any project)
  2. Add code to project based on Actor (MyActor)
  3. Add the following struct above the UCLASS macro
    struct FTestStruct
         float someNum;
  4. Add the following to the body of the class
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = test)
    FTestStruct Rando;
  5. Compile

Compile fails stating that FTestStruct is not supported by blueprints

VS compiles successfully with exposed FBoneReference variable

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By Design
CreatedAug 22, 2017
ResolvedAug 23, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018