This is an infrequent Mac crash that has occurred for a few users in 4.17. Users have not provided any description of their actions when the crash occurred.
The callstack has a few similarities to [Link Removed]
Callstack from Log
[2017.09.14-14.27.27:171][ 34]LogMetal: Display: Loaded a text shader (will be slower to load) [2017.09.14-14.28.12:314][133]LogTextFormatter: Warning: Failed to parse argument "ExistingAsset" as a number (using "0" as a fallback). Please check your format string for errors: "{ExistingAsset} already exists. Do you want to replace it?". [2017.09.14-14.28.15:093][133]LogMac: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4+Release-4.17+Compile/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/Obj.cpp] [Line: 198] Renaming an object (Package /Temp/Untitled_5_BuiltData) on top of an existing object (Package /Game/Untitled_BuiltData) is not allowed [2017.09.14-14.28.15:207][133]LogMac: === Critical error: === SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x3 [2017.09.14-14.28.15:207][133]LogMac: FGenericPlatformMisc::RaiseException(unsigned int) Address = 0xc263adb (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] FOutputDeviceMacError::Serialize(wchar_t const*, ELogVerbosity::Type, FName const&) Address = 0xc47b08f (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] FOutputDevice::Logf(wchar_t const*, ...) Address = 0xc5618fd (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] FDebug::AssertFailed(char const*, char const*, int, wchar_t const*, ...) Address = 0xc4b47ce (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] UObject::Rename(wchar_t const*, UObject*, unsigned int) Address = 0xe0ff41a (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dylib] UWorld::Rename(wchar_t const*, UObject*, unsigned int) Address = 0x101bbbd6 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Engine.dylib] SaveWorld(UWorld*, FString const*, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool, bool, FString&, bool, bool) Address = 0x152b66a1 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib] FEditorFileUtils::SaveMap(UWorld*, FString const&) Address = 0x152b432d (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib] SaveAsImplementation(UWorld*, FString const&, bool, FString*) Address = 0x152a0dc3 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib] FEditorFileUtils::SaveLevelAs(ULevel*, FString*) Address = 0x1529f457 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib] FLevelEditorActionCallbacks::SaveCurrentAs() Address = 0x2810be90 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-LevelEditor.dylib] TBaseStaticDelegateInstance<void ()>::ExecuteIfSafe() const Address = 0x281c0387 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-LevelEditor.dylib] FUICommandList::ExecuteAction(TSharedRef<FUICommandInfo const, (ESPMode)0>) const Address = 0x137094d5 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib] invocation function for block in FSlateMacMenu::ExecuteMenuItemAction(TSharedRef<FMenuEntryBlock const, (ESPMode)0> const&) Address = 0x137e3ebc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib] FCocoaRunLoopSource::Process(__CFString const*) Address = 0xc436a44 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] -[FCocoaRunLoopSourceInfo perform] Address = 0xc436496 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__() Address = 0x9fd8c321 (filename not found) [in CoreFoundation] __CFRunLoopDoSources0() Address = 0x9fd6d21d (filename not found) [in CoreFoundation] __CFRunLoopRun() Address = 0x9fd6c716 (filename not found) [in CoreFoundation] CFRunLoopRunSpecific() Address = 0x9fd6c114 (filename not found) [in CoreFoundation] PerformBlockOnThread(FCocoaRunLoopSource&, void () block_pointer, NSArray*, NSString*, bool) Address = 0xc4373da (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] FMacApplication::UpdateScreensArray() Address = 0xc43fb29 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] FMacApplication::ProcessDeferredEvents(float) Address = 0xc43f7a0 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] FSlateApplication::TickPlatform(float) Address = 0x136a266b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib] FSlateApplication::Tick(ESlateTickType) Address = 0x136a1aa4 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib] FEngineLoop::Tick() Address = 0xc15e011 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor] GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) Address = 0xc164c22 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor] -[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0xc1725d0 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor] -[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0xc436cc6 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib] __NSThread__start__() Address = 0xa178f8ad (filename not found) [in Foundation] _pthread_body() Address = 0xb570593b (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib] _pthread_body() Address = 0xb5705887 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib] thread_start() Address = 0xb570508d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
repro steps currently unknown
SEGV_MAPERR at 0x3 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dylib!UObject::Rename() UE4Editor-Engine.dylib!UWorld::Rename() UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib!SaveWorld() UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib!FEditorFileUtils::SaveMap() UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib!SaveAsImplementation() UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib!FEditorFileUtils::SaveLevelAs() UE4Editor-LevelEditor.dylib!FLevelEditorActionCallbacks::SaveCurrentAs() UE4Editor-LevelEditor.dylib!TBaseStaticDelegateInstance<void ()>::ExecuteIfSafe() UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!FUICommandList::ExecuteAction(TSharedRef<FUICommandInfo const,() UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!<Unknown> UE4Editor-Core.dylib!FCocoaRunLoopSource::Process() UE4Editor-Core.dylib!<Unknown> CoreFoundation!Unknown() CoreFoundation!Unknown() CoreFoundation!Unknown() CoreFoundation!Unknown() UE4Editor-Core.dylib!PerformBlockOnThread(FCocoaRunLoopSource&, void() UE4Editor-Core.dylib!FMacApplication::UpdateScreensArray() UE4Editor-Core.dylib!FMacApplication::ProcessDeferredEvents() UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!FSlateApplication::TickPlatform() UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!FSlateApplication::Tick() UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() UE4Editor!GuardedMain() UE4Editor!<Unknown> UE4Editor-Core.dylib!<Unknown> Foundation!Unknown() libsystem_pthread.dylib!<Unknown> libsystem_pthread.dylib!<Unknown> libsystem_pthread.dylib!<Unknown>
I am not able to find world outliner how to enable it?
Undefined sysmbol: typeinfo for AActor when cross-compile linux dedicated server on windows
An error occurred while trying to generate project files !?
Delay nodes occasionally don't fire the "Completed" output in a nativized build
How can i modify the param name in EQS node
I can't open my map from the editor.
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-49793 in the post.
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Component | UE - Platform - Apple |
Affects Versions | 4.17 |
Created | Sep 14, 2017 |
Resolved | Nov 14, 2017 |
Updated | Apr 27, 2018 |