When using the drag and drop function in UMG on an image with an alpha map the background will show up as black instead of translucent.
1. Open Editor
2. Create a new blueprint widget by right clicking in content browser
>user interface>Blueprint Widget (Name it DragNDrop)
3. Open widget and delete the canvas panel
4. In the Palette panel type in "image" and drag an image into the designer window
5. In the Details panel Under Appearance Choose Crosshair from the image drop down
6. Create a new blueprint widget by right clicking in content browser
>user interface>Blueprint Widget (name it Plane)
7. Under User created in the Palette window drag DragNDrop into the designer window
8. Click on the graph tab
9. In the My Blueprint panel expand the Drag and Drop section > Right Click On Drag Detected > Implement Function
10. Inside this function recreate the image named "OnDragDetected"
11. In the My Blueprint panel expand the Mouse section > Right Click On Mouse Button Down > Implement Function
12. Inside this function recreate the image named OnMouseDown
13. Compile and save all blueprints
14. Create a new player control by right clicking in content browser
> Blueprints > PlayerController
15. Open new player controller
16. click the defaults tab and under Mouse interface check the box called Show Mouse Cursor
17. Open MyGame (Default game mode)
18. Set the player controller to the new player controller created in the previous steps.
19. Click simulate
20. Hold down left mouse button and drag.
Why does the REMOVE method of map container remove elements have memory leaks?
What is the difference between Camera and CineCamera?
How do I set a material as a post-processing material?
UMG RichText not appear image when packaged
How to delete some elements correctly when deleting an array loop?
How to assign a value to a member of UMG's UMaterialInterface pointer type in C++?
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