
Steam VR overlay not available when launching packaged game on Oculus Rift through SteamVR with -hmd=steamvr. Disabling Oculus plugins (except for input) allows it to be summoned normally. Same thing should be possible with -hmd=steamvr or with plugin priorities.

[Link Removed] might make it difficult to verify this bug

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Install both SteamVR and Oculus Home
  2. Plug Oculus in, but unplug HTC Vive
  3. Create a new project based on the VR template
  4. # Launch non-packaged with -hmd=steamvr like in this command line:
    • D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Binaries\Win64>UE4Editor.exe "D:\Unreal Projects\SteamOverlay4x16\SteamOverlay4x16.uproject" -game -hmd=steamvr
    • Notice the Steam VR overlay can be summoned by pressing the Oculus Home button on one of the touch controllers (I think the left one?)
  5. Package the project with File > Package Project > Windows > Win 64
  6. Launch the resulting packaged game with -hmd=steamvr like in this command line:
    • PackageFolder\WindowsNoEditor>SteamOverlay4x16.exe -hmd=steamvr
  7. Notice the Steam VR overlay can no longer be summoned in the way it was in a non-packaged game

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-50309 in the post.

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Won't Fix
CreatedSep 26, 2017
ResolvedSep 29, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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