
User reported that they are unable to save assets after running tests:

Steps to Reproduce
  1. In a C++ project, create a new automation test using the following implementation:

IMPLEMENT_SIMPLE_AUTOMATION_TEST(FWaitTest, "Repro.WaitTest", EAutomationTestFlags::EditorContext | EAutomationTestFlags::ProductFilter)

bool FWaitTest::RunTest(const FString& Parameters)
{{ ADD_LATENT_AUTOMATION_COMMAND(FWaitLatentCommand(360.f));}}
{{ return true;}}

  1. Compile and open the editor.
  2. Open the Session Frontend and run Repro.WaitTest.
  3. While the test is still running, click the Stop Tests button.
  4. Find and open a Blueprint asset in the project.
  5. Add a new variable and compile the BP.
  6. Save the BP.

RESULT: Blueprint does not save, and is still marked dirty

EXPECTED: Blueprint can save and dirty flag is removed.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Automation Test
Affects Versions4.17
CreatedJan 5, 2018
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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