
If the GameInstance set in Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Game Instance Class is renamed or moved to another folder, the Game Instance Class is switched to None. This causes a launched game to crash.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Launch: UE4Editor.exe (any project)
2. Create a new GameInstance Blueprint
3. Set Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Game Instance Class to the new GameInstance BP
4. Change the name of the BP
5. Note the Game Instance Class in Project Settings is switched to None
6. Play in Standalone Game

The game crashes with no Game Instance referenced

When the GameInstance referenced is moved or renamed, the Game Instance Class is changed with it and not switched to None

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Foundation - Core
Affects Versions4.5.14.7
CreatedNov 26, 2014
ResolvedJul 7, 2016
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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