Attempting to create an installed build of the Engine for Windows using BuildGraph currently fails when the process attempts to copy some Linux files to the installed build. This appears to be due to a change in the InstalledEngineFilters.xml file that includes some Linux cross build debug tools in the Windows build.
The build fails with the following error: ERROR: Source file 'Engine\Binaries\Linux\dump_syms.exe' does not exist
The build completes successfully.
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-62001 in the post.
3 |
Component | UE - Foundation - Horde - BuildGraph |
Affects Versions | 4.20, 4.21 |
Target Fix | 4.20.1 |
Created | Jul 20, 2018 |
Resolved | Jul 20, 2018 |
Updated | Aug 15, 2018 |