Developer Notes

This property is no longer used and has now been marked as Deprecated.

Please refer to this information from the Release Notes to see what has changed:

New: Remote Mac/IOS compilation now uploads the entire workspace to the remote Mac and executes a separate remote instance of UBT rather than synchronizing individual actions.
This makes the remote compile codepath much simpler, and removes a lot of special cases that exist to support it previously.
The list of files to be transferred to the remote are listed as rsync filter rules in Engine/Build/Rsync/RsyncEngine.txt and RsyncProject.txt, which are applied to the root engine directory and project directory respectively.
Projects that need to customize which files are uploaded can add their own <ProjectDir>/Build/Rsync/RsyncProject.txt file, which will be included in the filter before the default version.


Attempting to package for iOS using Remote Build on Windows results in a failure if the project contains a plugin that uses "PublicAdditionalShadowFiles" in its Build.cs file. Log from the packaging attempt is attached.

Regression?: Yes
This does not occur in 4.20

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the attached project on a Windows PC
  2. Open the project
  3. In Project Settings > Platforms > iOS, set up your Remote Build settings for iOS
  4. Package the project for iOS
    Result: The packaging attempt fails
    Expected: The packaging attempt succeeds

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By Design
CreatedDec 17, 2018
ResolvedDec 18, 2018
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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