
A licensee has reported an issue where using ABSLOG results in some parsing issues with certain characters in path names. In this example, the issue is with ). If the Parse function ends up parsing the given path without quotations, it fails to complete properly due to reading ) as a separator character. This will occur in any path that does not have a space. The reason is because if you pass in a path that does not have a space with quotations, the quotations are removed.

Regression?: Yes
This did not occur in 4.20

Workaround: If using ) in a path name, also include a space and the quotations should not be removed. You can also add \ before the quotations to work around this.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project
  2. Save the current map as "NewMap"
  3. Close the project
  4. In Commandline, run the following command (note it will need to be edited due to file paths):
     UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "d:\ProjectPath\NewProject.uproject" NewMap -game -ABSLOG="d:\logs(ue4)\log.txt" 
  5. Close the game after it loads
  6. Check the location listed in the ABSLOG command above (d:\logs(ue4)\log.txt)
    Result: No log has been created (the folder itself will also not exist, unless it was made previously)
    Expected: The log file is created properly.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Foundation - Core
Affects Versions4.214.22
Target Fix4.23
Fix Commit5262411
Main Commit6815521
CreatedJan 22, 2019
ResolvedMar 1, 2019
UpdatedMar 3, 2020
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