Developer Notes

This issue has been closed as 'Won't Fix' due to an extended period of time without updates. If this issue is important to you please let us know by posting on the AnswerHub or UDN, and Epic will re-open the ticket for further review.


A user pointed out a possible mistaken use of the && operator instead of the || operator in an if statement in source code. In the FOnlineSessionNull::GetResolvedConnectString() function in OnlineSessionInterfaceNull.cpp, a default beacon listen port value is set but never used if no port was actually specified.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open OnlineSessionInterfaceNull.cpp.
  2. Locate the function FOnlineSessionNull::GetResolvedConnectString(const class FOnlineSessionSearchResult& SearchResult, FName PortType, FString& ConnectInfo)
    • Line 739 in CL 2955029 in Dev-Main.

Line 749 reads if (SearchResult.Session.SessionSettings.Get(SETTING_BEACONPORT, BeaconListenPort) && BeaconListenPort > 0).

The user suggested that the || operator would be better used here so that the default value for BeaconListenPort is used if a value has not been specifically set in the SETTING_BEACONPORT key.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions4.
CreatedDec 31, 2014
ResolvedJan 12, 2017
UpdatedJan 23, 2017
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