Date: 1/21/2015
Adding the
[Link Removed]
Duplicating a map in the Content Browser crashes the editor. It does not matter if the map being duplicated is the currently open map or not.
Additionally, as the AnswerHub post mentions, duplicating the map in File Explorer and renaming it in the Content Browser will crash the editor.
1. Open any project
2. Go to the Maps folder in the Content Browser
3. Right-click > Duplicate any map file
4. Hit enter or click off the new asset
> UE4Editor-Core-Win64-Debug.dll!StaticFailDebug(const wchar_t * Error=0x000007fee3134130, const char * File=0x000007fee3bcde90, int Line=1712, const wchar_t * Description=0x000000000055c4f0, bool bIsEnsure=false) Line 190 C++
UE4Editor-Core-Win64-Debug.dll!FMsg::Logf__VA(const char * File=0x000007fee3bcde90, int Line=1712, const FName & Category=
, FCompilerResultsLog & Results=
{...}, TArray<UObject *,FDefaultAllocator> * ObjLoaded=0x0000000000000000) Line 84 C++, FCompilerResultsLog & Results=
{...}, FBlueprintCompileReinstancer * ParentReinstancer=0x0000000000000000, TArray<UObject *,FDefaultAllocator> * ObjLoaded=0x0000000000000000) Line 136 C++) Line 1506 C++
UE4Editor-CoreUObject-Win64-Debug.dll!StaticDuplicateObject(const UObject * SourceObject=0x000000001f996b00, UObject * DestOuter=0x00000000302e50c0, const wchar_t * DestName=0x000000002c17f808, EObjectFlags FlagMask=RF_AllFlags, UClass * DestClass=0x0000000000000000, EDuplicateForPie DuplicateForPIE=SDO_No_DuplicateForPie) Line 1371 C++
UE4Editor-UnrealEd-Win64-Debug.dll!ObjectTools::DuplicateSingleObject(UObject * Object=0x000000001f996b00, const ObjectTools::FPackageGroupName & PGN=
) Line 444 C++
UE4Editor-AssetTools-Win64-Debug.dll!FAssetTools::DuplicateAsset(const FString & AssetName=
, UObject * OriginalObject=0x000000001f996b00) Line 291 C++
How to delete some elements correctly when deleting an array loop?
Why does the REMOVE method of map container remove elements have memory leaks?
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What is the difference between Camera and CineCamera?
UMG RichText not appear image when packaged
How does TArray loop correctly remove elements in blueprints?
Head over to the existing Questions & Answers thread and let us know what's up.
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Component | UE - Gameplay - Blueprint |
Affects Versions | 4.6.1, 4.7, 4.8 |
Target Fix | 4.7 |
Created | Jan 5, 2015 |
Resolved | Jan 15, 2015 |
Updated | Apr 27, 2018 |