
Material Parameter Collection parameters only return default values when drawn to a Render Target

This does NOT happen when drawing a material using a non-MPC parameter. To test this:

  1. Open Actor_BP > Focus the Construction Script > Connect the Construction Script node to the Set Scalar Parameter Value on Materials (instead of the Set Scalar Parameter Value)
  2. Open "Mat" > connect parameter "Scalar" to DebugScalarValues' Number pin
  3. Compile/Save the blueprint and material
  4. Select the actor in the level > select "Draw"
  5. Open NewRT
  6. Disable the RT's alpha
  7. Result - parameter is properly passed to the render target
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the attached project
  2. Open TestMap
  3. Select Actor_BP in the level
  4. In the details panel, select the "Draw" button
  5. In the Content Browser, open NewRT
  6. In the Texture Editor Viewport, select View > disable Alpha

Result: the Render Target shows ".0000000" instead of 0.123456

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.22
Target Fix4.23
Fix Commit5612239
CreatedMar 27, 2019
ResolvedMar 28, 2019
UpdatedApr 12, 2019
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