
State Machine events "Left State Event" and "Fully Blended State" not firing when animation is sequence is playing at the moment you enter/leave the state.

Steps to Reproduce

Sample reproduction project has been included for convenience.

[Link Removed]

Steps to Reproduce from Repro Sample

  1. Press PIE. 
  2. Play the slot anim or montage by left clicking on the mouse, while the animation is still playing, transition in and out the state that has the events by using "WASD" key controls to move the character.
  3. Observe Left State Event and Fully Blended State Event don't fire
  4. Repeat the transitions, but this time without playing the slot anim or montage, and check that all the events do indeed fire in this case


Result: Left State Event and Fully Blended State Event don't fire if there's a slot anim or montage playing

Expected: All the state specific events should fire when entering/leaving that state



Steps to Reproduce from Scratch

  1. Create an Anim Blueprint for your character
  2. Create a state machine for this character that contains at least 2 states
  3. In one of the states, create the three events: Entered State Event, Left State Event and Fully Blended State Event
  4. Place the three events in the Event Graph and connect each one to a PrintString node
  5. In your character Blueprint, bind an input event to a PlaySlotAnimation node or a MontagePlay node
  6. Start the game, play the slot anim or montage and, while it's still playing, transition in and out the state that has the events. Left State Event and Fully Blended State Event don't fire
  7. Repeat the transitions, but this time without playing the slot anim or montage, and check that all the events do indeed fire in this case


Result: Left State Event and Fully Blended State Event don't fire if there's a slot anim or montage playing

Expected: All the state specific events should fire when entering/leaving that state

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Anim - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.214.224.23
CreatedAug 28, 2019
ResolvedJul 19, 2022
UpdatedJul 19, 2022
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