1. Open QA-Game
2. Create a Blackboard asset & double-click to open it
3. Once inside, create 3 Keys (see screenshot #1)
- Object type named Guard
- Float type named Distance
- Bool type named Heard?
4. Save & close
5. Create a Behavior Tree & double-click to open
6. Make sure the Blackboard Asset in the Details panel is set to the blackboard you created
7. Save & close
8. Reopen the Behavior Tree to load the blackboard
9. In the graph, drag off of Root and create a Sequence
10. Right-click Seqeunce, create a Decorator > Blackboard
11. Click on the blackboard you just created
12. In the Details panel, set the Blackboard Key to Heard? (see screenshot #2)
13. Save, then go to the Blackboard tab
14. Right-click the 'Heard?' key and rename it to 'Heard2'
15. Save, then go to the Behavior Tree
16. Click on the Decorator
17. In the Details panel, the Blackboard Key defaulted to Guard (see screenshot #3)
Results: The Blackboard Key defaults to the top option
Expected: For the Blackboard Key to be set to the same 'renamed' key