Random number generator has a higher probability of returning 0 than any other number

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 22, 2015

I had a game that needed to generate hundreds of thousands of random numbers. (I was using the Blueprint "Random Float" node). There were a ton of 0.0 values generated, many more than any other n ...

Lightmass crash after finished building and hitting save

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 19, 2015

User is reporting that the editor will crash after lightmass has finished building and they click to save the project. ...

Add Code to Project fails to add a class to the project

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 16, 2015

Add Code to Project fails to add a class to the project. The project can't be reopened until the classes are manually removed and the project is recompiled. The following errors occur when using Add ...

Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference will crash the Editor.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 10, 2015

Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference inside a struct results in a crash. This was reported to work fine in 4.6.1, but I was unable to verify that is the case. ...

Packaged size of project is double its size when packaging for Shipping Windows (32 bit)

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 9, 2015

When you package a project in 4.6.1 for Windows (32 bit) shipping, the file size is around 160 MB. When you package a sample project in 4.7.2, the packaged size will be around 345 MB. [Link Remove ...

Users Unable to create C++ Projects

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 6, 2015

2nd AH post with the same issue: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/183441/cant-load-c-projects.html Multiple people have reported not being able to create a C++ project. Creating a Bluepr ...

Using GENERATED_BODY() instead of GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY() in an Interface code class results in a UHT crash when trying to build the project.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 3, 2015

Replacing GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY() with GENERATED_BODY() in 4.7.0 or above results in an Unreal Header Tool crash and build failure in Visual Studio. This was working in 4.6.1, but when tested i ...

UHT needs to enforce that BlueprintNativeEvents have "virtual" on user-defined _Implementation functions

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 3, 2015

Forgetting to add the "virtual" in engine code implementations of these _Implementation functions makes them not overridable by users. UHT should catch this and emit a warning/error. For instance t ...

TArray<UClass*> in UFunctions are not handled correctly in generated code

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 27, 2015

Reported on AnswerHub, but confirmed locally. Generated code converts the TArray<UClass*> into a TArray<TSubclassOf<UObject>>, which doesn't compile because TArrays are not compatible in that way. ...

Upgrading a project from a binary Engine to one built from source code does not keep the solution configuration and solution platform settings in Visual Studio.

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 26, 2015

Upgrading a code project created in a binary Engine version to an Engine built from source code results in the solution configuration and solution platform in Visual Studio being set to Debug and Wi ...