Licensee reported problem via UDN. Context GameplayCues ('cue') are events that can be fired by game code, that are identified via a GameplayTag. Cues can be instantaneous or can be a state on any ...
When modifying the name of a gameplay attribute that is used with a modifier on a gameplay effect, attempting to remove/change the modifier causes an editor crash. This appears to be due to line 29 ...
In UE 5.5, when the user attempts to save the level blueprint of a world-partition map, the Editor crashes if the BP contains any node with an input pin of type "Gameplay Attribute Structure", as lo ...
Block tags are not working correctly in version 5.5.2, it was working in 5.5.1. This is caused by a change done in version 5.5.2. The exact CL is: CL 35930696 ...
When using the GameplayDebugger to show GAS debug info, and an AttributeSet has two replicated attributes with different replication conditions, a crash occurs in RegisterReplicatedLifetimeProperty( ...
Context AbilitySystemComponent has a virtual function virtual void OnTagUpdated(const FGameplayTag& Tag, bool TagExists); that gets called when a gameplay tag gets added or removed, so whenever ...
A licensee who built their game on top of Lyra has reported that OnSpawn abilities, which is a feature provided by the LyraGameplayAbility base class via its ActivationPolicy, have a chance of faili ...
The following code fixes the tilt : void UTargetingSelectionTask_AOE::DebugDrawBoundingVolume(const FTargetingRequestHandle& TargetingHandle, const FColor& Color, const FOverlapDatum* OverlapDatum) ...
Context The property 'DefaultStartingData' in AbilitySystemComponent can be configured from blueprint to spawn default attribute sets. This happens OnRegister. For runtime spawned actors like pawns ...
The logic for data validation on UGameplayEffectComponent expects it to be owned by a UGameplayEffect. Any Blueprint derived from UGameplayEffectUIData (child of UGameplayEffectComponent) fails this ...