IGameMoviePlayer playback of a movie during loading screen lets you set bAllowEngineTick = true as a parameter. This will make FDefaultGameMoviePlayer manually tick the engine: if (GEngine && bAll ...
A high UWorld::Tick DeltaSeconds (i.e. GameThread hitch) results in a high UNetDriver::TickFlush DeltaSeconds. This DeltaSeconds can high (many seconds) if the hitch is long. This value then affects ...
For two map placed actors, if one actor B's non root component is attached to another actor A, the attachment is not retained when actor A reruns its construction script, such as when moving actor A ...
FVariant is a struct that implements a union of data types, including FVector. When assigning an FVariant an FVector value in engine versions UE 4.27 or earlier, the FVariant will deserialize incorr ...
When double-clicking on an interface function call within a blueprint, the expected behaviour is that it will take you to the implementation of this function. However, it currently does nothing. ...
UDN Description Hello, We extensively use the UDeveloperSettings class to automatically register project and editor settings for the different C++ plugins we build. For instance : [Start code b ...
GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode is a CVar that controls whether a garbage collection should take place during map change after unloading the previous map and before loading the new one. By default ...
From UDN case #00655218: We extensively use the UDeveloperSettings class to automatically register project and editor settings for the different C++ plugins we build. For instance : UCLASS(config ...
When editing a level with many actors (1000+), deleting an actor results in a noticeable hitch: the editor becomes unresponsive for seconds. This hitch becomes longer the more actors are loaded and ...
There is no UI refresh for the Implemented Interfaces list in the Blueprint editor UI after a Blueprint Interface asset is renamed in the Content Drawer. Consequently, the interface cannot be remove ...