If a user removes elements from an array in an instance of that blueprint in the level and then duplicates the actor (in the level ) containing the array, then the resulting actor will have the orig ...
Crashes in UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController, probably because World is NULL. When you package this vehicle game setup or play in standalone, the game will crash. 4.6.1 release crash (Standalo ...
In 4.18.3 this feature is working. In 4.19.2 the feature is broken. Per User: Half of the Lights Cone or Sphere will properly interact with the TileMap as intended, the other half will not for wha ...
Using the new "Get Relevant Anim Time Remaining" Node, transitions don't read the relevant anim until the second time passing through the state. *See attached image. In contrast, using the old "Tim ...
The collision of objects moving at high speeds seems to move in front of the object. The faster the object is moving, the further the collision will be from the mesh. AnswerHub report: https://an ...
User Submitted Video: [Link Removed] User Description: "Swipe to look (with only the left virtual gamepad joystick) is undoubtedly the established gold standard for 3D First Person mobile games. ...
In a networked environment with high packet loss (or high forced adjustment factor), motion applied using Root Motion Sources can desynchronise under conditions that animation root motion does not. ...
When trying to record a movie from a matinee in 4.10, it can fail for a number of reasons: 1. The folder does not exist 2. The cinematic view modes do not take effect 3. Trying to record a streamin ...
Blueprint timelines: when converting an internal curve to an external curve asset, the curve asset's data isn't used until the blueprint is recompiled. This is confusing as there is no indication th ...
The behavior for resetting the default for customized struct properties is inconsistent and needs to be reviewed and fixed. Currently we see this behavior:In non-array properties, the header will be ...