Construction script in parent blueprint calling function in child blueprint resets upon compiling child blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 11, 2016

If the construction script of a parent blueprint calls a function within a child of that parent in the construction script, compiling the child blueprint will cause the parent blueprint to incorrect ...

Building Grass Map toast stays up forever

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 11, 2016

The Building Grass Maps toast stays up forever when your landscape material does not have a landscape grass output and the landscape option Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision is checked. ...

Triggerbox volume incorrectly forces physics objects to act at rest

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 9, 2016

If a phsyics actor set to start awake is placed at the top of a trigger box, it will remain at rest. Regression? (No), issue (does) occur on 4.10.4 ...

Newly Created Landscape using Material with Displacement and Tessellation Flickers

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 8, 2016

Upon creating a new landscape that uses a material with displacement and tessellation, the landscape and its respective components will flicker. The flickering can be removed when you begin sculptin ...

Vive loses focus when packaging for windows

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 8, 2016

The Project loses focus when entering VR mode in a packaged game when using the VIve ...

'Moved' event pin doesn't trigger on the 'Input Touch' node correctly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 8, 2016

'Moved' event pin doesn't trigger on the 'Input Touch' node correctly Regression: This does not happen in 4.10.2. The 'Moved' pin triggers at all times when the mouse-button is held and the mouse i ...

Crash when Moving a Single Foliage Instance with over 15k Painted Instances

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 8, 2016

A licensee is reporting a crash when he transforms/moves a single instance of foliage, when there are 15,000 or more painted instances of that mesh in a single map. Regression Yes, I tested the sam ...

Particle Ribbons not firing off consistently

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 8, 2016

Ribbon trails do not immediately follow the lead particle when fired. There is an inconsistent delay in some that cause them to either not fire or fire mid stream. This did not occur in 4.10.4, bu ...

Pick Parent Class window for new blueprints does not properly list available classes on Linux

Tools - Apr 8, 2016

When opening the Pick Parent Class window on Linux, the expansion arrow next to All Classes does not properly extend to show all classes. Workaround: After clicking the arrow to extend the drop dow ...

Delta applied twice when moving parent and grouped child actors

UE - Gameplay - Apr 8, 2016

When some grouped actors are childed to another actor, and both the group and the parent are selected in the world outliner, movement delta is applied twice to the grouped children. Code for a poten ...