Decal of Emissive is not displayed on thumbnail.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2021

Inaccurate Panning on Tap Delay Submix

UE - Audio - Oct 5, 2021

The panning in the Tap Delay Submix Effect does not always match its assigned Pan in Degrees value. Specifically, the left and right side appear to be reversed on Stereo setups. In addition, in 5.1 ...

When rendering a reflection capture, the lightmap may be rendered without finishing streaming.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 5, 2021

This problem occurs when you do a lighting build. It does not occur when the reflection capture is done by itself. ...

When CascadeToNiagara, the Disable state of Emitter is not converted properly.

UE - Niagara - Oct 5, 2021

In # copy the emitter enabled state. enabled = ue_fx_utils.get_lod_level_is_enabled(cascade_emitter_lod) niagara_emitter_context.set_enabled(enabled) It stores the ...

Jittering appears when setting DOF in ES3.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 5, 2021

For reference, it was fine in 4.24 In particular, jittering is severe when the camera is moving. GaussianHalfRes has been removed in CL 14036168, which is likely to cause degradation issues if int ...

Fbx Importer: Make sure the blendshape curve keys have the correct tangent scale

UE - Anim - Oct 4, 2021

The tangent of the blendshape curve seam to have the wrong scale (but correct direction) from this UDN. ...

Bool input pins connected to boolean logic nodes can fail to compile

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 1, 2021

Bool input pins will fail to compile when connected to a boolean logic node and the node also has a float input pin that is currently connected. Compilation will fail with the error Default value ' ...

AbsoluteWorldPosition and PDO not working correctly in SingleLayerWater calculations

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 1, 2021

The licensee has provided a recommended fix for this issue. Please see the UDN.  ...

Area Lights casting Specular regardless of material specular value

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 30, 2021

The rectangle lights ignore the specular value of lit materials and will apply a specular highlight to them regardless of the value. you can compare the result against a standard point light and you ...