Rotating a button in UMG and moving it to the edge of the canvas causing incorrect clipping

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 27, 2014

When rotating a button in the UMG blueprints and then moving through the edge of the canvas panel it causing the button to clip as though it was never rotated. Update: This also happens when placi ...

Using a 'Format Text' node to set a 'Text Render' component will crash on map load after project conversion

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2016

Using a 'Format Text' node to set a 'Text Render' component will crash on map load after project conversion[EUS] TJ Ballard - Opened the map on a users project from this AnswerHub post: https://answ ...

Crash Occurring in FD3D11DynamicRHIModule::FindAdapter()

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 13, 2016

Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 804] Array index out of bounds: 1 from an array of size 1 Source Context: 352 353 // We a ...

Each adding a static mesh not containing any collision data keeps increasing PhysX memory

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 19, 2021

If the static mesh has UseSimpleCollisionAsComplex and does not have any SimpleCollision shapes, The physics actor will be destroyed immediately in FInitBodiesHelperBase::CreateShapesAndActors, but ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_LevelEditor!FLevelEditorActionCallbacks::Paste_CanExecute() [leveleditoractions.cpp:1662]

Tools - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16, and has occurred since at least 4.14. User DescriptionsI was copying and pasting a Geometry Box and then the client just crashed.I was trying some st ...

TextRenderComponents not parallel safe. Can cause crash

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 28, 2017

Licensee has reported intermittent crashes when loading a map that contains Child Actors with Text Render Components. When the child actor blueprint is spawned all of the text render components st ...

Target Rotation of Physics Handle doesn't register and can't be manipulated on tick

UE - Gameplay - May 26, 2016

Target Rotation of Physics Handle doesn't register and can't be manipulated on tick User Description: I mentioned some versions before that rotation of Physics Handles is broken and now it is even ...

Using xcode-select to switch between Xcode 10 and Xcode 11 beta can cause Xcode 11 to be unrecognized by the editor

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 16, 2019

After switching from Xcode 11.0 Beta 3 (11M362v) to Xcode 10 (10A255) and then back to Xcode 11, the editor no longer recognized that Xcode was installed on my machine when trying to use Xcode 11 as ...

Crash When Copying Comment Box from a Blueprint to a Behavior Tree

UE - AI - Jun 8, 2016

The editor crashes when pasting a comment box from a blueprint into a behavior tree. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and Main CL 3005971 Source Context94 95 fo ...

Materials with Subsurface Profile not affected by Opacity value

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 24, 2017

A material with Shading Model set to Subsurface Profile is no longer affected by Opacity value in 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19 (Main) but was previously working as intended in 4.16. This is a regression. ...