This is only happening with gamepad buttons it appears. This is likely not Lyra specific, but has something to do with how the state of gamepad keys are being evaluated. I think that it may be becau ...
[Link Removed] Some functions to access parameters don't take into account the newly added runtime static switch parameters. It should be straightforward to fix these up: void UMaterialInstance:: ...
Some parts of the proxy mesh generation does not correctly handle empty sections. FMeshMergeHelpers::ExtractSections() will remove empty section, but some other parts of the process will not, which ...
Scene queries when encountering skeletal meshes with per-poly collision enabled do not return a bone name in the HitResult. Returning the BoneName always or having it as an option via FCollisionQuer ...
This is a Regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Using Bake To Control Rig on a Spawned Actor in a Subsequence with Play Range that exceeds the Subsequence causes a Crash. ...
When placing an instance of ALyraCharacterWithAbilities on the map on the boundary between world partition cells, it fails to take damage in PIE. The expected attribute sets (HealthSet and CombatSet ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Texture Filter Nearest isn't respected in Packaged Shipping Builds. When playing in editor, stand alone, or packaging in any other f ...
This is not a regression. Tested //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Within Water Body Custom setting the Water Mesh Override to a Nanite mesh causes a crash. This seems to be the case with any Nanite ena ...