In UE 5.5, the fix applied by CL 36529858 in ue5-main updated USkeletalMeshComponent::ClearAnimScriptInstance() to call AnimScriptInstance::UninitializeAnimation() on the animation instance. This, i ...
There is a discrepancy when inspecting Substrate materials in the Lumen Performance Overview. Compared to viewing non-Substrate materials the overview show all surfaces in red indicating that Lumen ...
Since UE5.5, RegisterComponent has been called during cook process, So unnecessarily references from DMXLibrary to DMXComponent has been added. There is a workaround to avoid adding references : ...
Investigate and fix all calls where the Navigation System is constructed without the NavigationObjectRepository subsystem being valid. ...
The cook completes with a warning for "LogNavigation: Warning: UNavigationObjectRepository is required for navigation system operations" which causes many CI pipelines to fail as they use treat warn ...
We've started seeing a crash in editor when re-importing one of our assets. <pre class="ql-syntax">Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 783] Array index out of ...
The Physics Asset Editor has a "mirror" feature that allows physics bodies and constraints to be mirrored from one side of a skeleton to the other. If this operation worked correctly, it could save ...
When UPrimitiveComponent::CreateDynamicMaterialInstance is called on a skinned mesh, and the input material is invalid, we call USkinnedMeshComponent::GetMaterial to get the base material on the exi ...
Streaming out the navmesh and streaming the area back into the world before the GC runs causes the navmesh streamed back into the world to only have navmesh tiles on a layer with tiles that would b ...