There is moving blotchy noise on the head and face from hair when Lumen HZB tracing hits hair. CL 33258050 fixes the noise in the hair, but tracing still hits hair when it starts from surfaces like ...
FDeferredDecalProxy always fade because InitializeFadingParameters is always called and leaves InvFadeDuration at 1.0 and the LifetimeAlpha calculation in FDeferredDecalPS::SetParameters gets a very ...
FFragmentTypeParameters misses a default initialiser for FFragmentTypeParameters::Flags. This can lead to Flags being left in an undefined state, which can ultimately cause non-determinism during th ...
PCG causes crash when UGrassInstancedStaticMeshComponent is set as a mesh entry for the static mesh spawner node. ...
When exporting a Cinematic Camera as FBX and importing it back, all transforms and Camera view are shifted. This happens when in Level Sequence Actor has the property "Transform Origin Actor" set to ...
Nanite meshes marked Hidden in Game do not have selection outlines in the editor. ...
This has been tested internally using an editor utility widget yielding the same results. That small project is attached. BoundingObjectTest. 1) Open the project 2) Run the Editor Utility Widget ...
It is possible for the while loop in UnrealEditor-SubobjectDataInterface.dll!USubobjectDataSubsystem::GetActorRootHandle(const FSubobjectDataHandle & StartingHandle) Line 815 to not terminate when ...