[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Foliage!FMulticastDelegateBase<FWeakObjectPtr>::AddInternal() [multicastdelegatebase.h:113]

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jul 6, 2017

This is a common crash in the 4.16 release. The callstack is similar to [Link Removed], but that was fixed in 4.16.2 while this crash still occurs. Users have not provided any additional informati ...

Characters using NavWalking on server have noticeable jitter on clients at lower framerates

UE - AI - Aug 23, 2018

AI nav walking doesn't allow clients to set a "Base" for the character (SetBase from UpdateFloorFromAdjustment), so there is no floor result on frames where there is a net update. This causes simula ...

Post Process Material + Stereo Rendering = Left Eye Black

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 16, 2019

Left Eye Renders black in VR when a PostProcess Material is applied. On Quest Right eye renders post process mat and left eye renders scene, but upsidedown. Also occurs in Packaged Project and/or ...

Unable to Import Alembic Files in UE4

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Feb 25, 2020

We have written a plugin for UE4 that allows Unreal users to import and set up Megascans assets into Unreal Engine. Recently we added Alembic files to our assets and also updated all our plugins to ...

Crash if the setting of PhysicalAnimationComponent is changed in the same frame as teleport processing

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 24, 2020

Crash when ApplyPhysicalAnimationProfileBelow node and UPhysicalAnimationComponent :: UpdateTargetActors by UPhysicalAnimationComponent :: OnTeleport run in the same frame. Because RuntimeInstanceDa ...

Remove reference to editor assets in cooked build from landscape visibility layer

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 21, 2020

As soon as the visibility tool is used, we're adding references to the  "/Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer" asset from landscape components. If the user decides to cook without editor data ...

Regular UMG Widgets can be reparented to editor widgets but do not work.

Tools - May 11, 2020

This may just need to be closed, we may not be able to control this at such a level.  This really comes up more than you would guess.  I think almost everyone has made a widget, wanted to call Edito ...

GameplayEffects: Inherited UAssetTags and UTargetTags do not update their referenced tags correctly with inheritance

UE - Gameplay - Jan 25, 2024

When inherited, it is reasonable to expect the tags added by the parent to be reflected in the children. If the parent is editted after the children, however, tags that are added or deleted are not ...

When using a NavModifier with a NavBoundsVolume being in a SubLevel, unloading the level causes a crash.

UE - AI - Jul 19, 2018

When repeatedly loading and unloading sublevels with a NavBoundsVolume, it will cause a crash when using a NavModifierVolume. When the NavMesh is unloaded, it seems that the number of the DirtyLayer ...

Planar Reflections distorted if Separate Translucency Screen Percentage less than 100%

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 19, 2020

Planar reflections with any value lower than 100 for SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage are skewed/distorted when moving the camera, not representing the correct image when the value is 100. ...