When use Sequence Camera Shake Pattern, Level Sequence occurs error

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 28, 2022

When I apply the Sequence Camera Shake Pattern to a Sequencer's camera, I get an error when playing it. ...

Opening a DataTable that is set to a Struct that is using a Key variable will crash the editor

Tools - Nov 3, 2015

Opening a DataTable that is set to a Struct that is using a Key variable will crash the editor User Description: I'm getting this crash when using Key variable in DataTable. I was able to repro i ...

Creating an AnimStreamable asset immediately crashes the editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Feb 6, 2024

When creating an anim streamable we immediately fail a check in the compression code in FCompressibleAnimData::FetchData: checkf(AnimSequence, TEXT("Invalid animation sequence while trying to fetc ...

Subobject delimiter replacement in ResolveName can cause previously valid strings to exceed NAME_SIZE

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 8, 2021

ResolveName will replace the subobject delimiter (colon) with two periods. This increases the length of the string, and can cause asserts due to the string exceeding NAME_SIZE even when the name was ...

LIVE: LANDSCAPE: RENDERING: Landscape smooths until edited again after saving

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 15, 2014

Build: 4.4.2-2289767 Description: If a user makes changes to a landscape then saves the project, the landscape will appear smoothed until another change is made. Repro: [Reproduced Internally] 1. O ...

Attaching skeletons with welding with simulation broken

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 4, 2016

Looks like there may be a missed edge cases when welding Skeletal Meshes. If the Weld Parent has Simulate Physics enabled after welding, the parent continuously tries to depenetrate from the child ...

Compile failure packaging code project for tvOS from Mac

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 27, 2017

Also occurs in the live 4.15.1 build. This does not occur for BP projects or when packaging for iOS. Same compile error as UE-41313UATHelper: Packaging (tvOS): UnrealBuildTool: /Users/Shared/Unrea ...

User Struct value set through a component is reset to default when modified through the level instance

UE - Gameplay - Jul 3, 2017

Struct value set through a component is reset to default when modified through the level instance. If it's not set through the component, it works fine. User Description: There is a bug in the eng ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!ULandscapeInfo::RecreateLandscapeInfo() [landscape.cpp:2128]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 28, 2017

This is an early trending crash coming out of the 4.17.2 hotfix, with no record of occurring previously. The callstack is very similar to [Link Removed] (fixed in 4.17.2) and may be related. Users ...

Depth reading features on devices without framebuffer fetch are relying on undefined behaviour.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 26, 2016

For devices without framebuffer fetch we are relying on undefined behaviour for depth reading with decals, mod shadows and depth reading materials. (ES2 spec: 3.8.6 Texture Framebuffer Attachment). ...