From a licensee: The issue is that under certain edge conditions I am experiencing Anim Notifies not being executed on our Dedicated Server ( it is an off case, so they typically do work, there a ...
Following code works as a work around : void SFbxSceneStaticMeshReimportListView::OnChangedOverrideOptions(TSharedPtr<FString> ItemSelected, ESelectInfo::Type SelectInfo) { #if 0 check(ItemSele ...
If a component class returns 'false' for NeedsLoadForServer(), then variables will not be included in the class in a cooked/packaged dedicated server build, and thus any variable references in scrip ...
Users are experiencing an issue where the color picker is opening half or more off screen. This is particular bad for users who only have one monitor. It is most prevalent in a UMG Widget BP, but ...
After attempting to preview the undefined File Media Source in the Media Player Window and getting an error. I set the path of the File Media Source to Windows sample video 'Wilflife'. Then attempt ...
I was not able to repro this with template projects in //UE4/Release-4.17. I was not able to repro the lack of collision to the same static mesh I shot at if I tried to run into it. That is why I me ...
The Draw Brush Polys setting does not display translucent Material in versions 4.17 and higher, instead, checking the option appears to do nothing. This issue does not occur in 4.16.3, this issue is ...
At present AttackTrack's context menu has three patterns of Attach target change flowChange constraintBindingIDUse ExsitBindingUse NewBinding However, 1 and 3 can correctly change the target, but t ...
When the 'Show Friendly Variable Names' option is set to false in Editor preferences, attempting to create (once you press 'Enter' to accept the new Blueprint name) or open a Blueprint causes the ed ...