Adding a struct to the foliage panel results in the struct not being editable for a static mesh instance. The same struct is editable if applied to a PrimitiveComponent. ...
This is a common Mac crash occurring in the 4.16.1 release. I have not found any evidence of it occurring on Windows. The callstack closely matches [Link Removed], which was briefly experienced by ...
This is an infrequent Linux crash that has affected a few users in 4.17.1 Callstack from Log[2017.09.12-17.23.41:651][ 0]LogRHI: OpenGL MajorVersion = 4, MinorVersion = 5, ShaderPlatform = GLSL_43 ...
This is an early trending crash coming out of the 4.16 Preview. Users have not provided any additional information. From Log:/Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_StartupMap.StartupMap (0.006787s) ...
This is a slightly common Mac crash that has occurred since 4.17.1. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Callstack from Log[2017.10.05-15.00.31:683][3 ...
Swapping the C++ Root Component from a Child BP class, pressing Save, Compile, but not Saving afterwards, will leave the Root Component in a locked state, meaning the it cannot be viewed or edited i ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 In UE4 an error is thrown when attempting to add an input. A Blueprint containing a Macro with a Wild Card input crashes when a Custom ...
Running the ResavePackages commandlet will consistently result in a crash. The callstack is here: Assertion failed: !IsRooted() [Link Removed] [Line: 265] UnrealEditor_Engine!UMaterialInterface::P ...
Garbage collection crash during opening cinematic. Note after crashing and relaunching the game the saved file appears as 8% complete instead of 0%. Note this crash is also occurring with //UE4/D ...
Converting a BSP to a static mesh will freeze and crash the editor when done on Linux. Windows does not exhibit the same conversion crash. ...