Get All Actors of Class is failing to report at Event Begin Play in a streamed level

UE - Gameplay - Sep 3, 2015

Get All Actors of Class is failing to report at Event Begin Play in a streamed level. Test project attached. This is a regression: did NOT occur in 4.8.3. Reproduced in 4.9.0 binary and Main (2678 ...

Particle System check for IsActive in Blueprints does not reset

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 4, 2016

When using a particle system in a blueprint and then moving the particle system off screen and then back on there is the node "Is Active" that can check to see if the Particle is still active. When ...

Editor crashes when selecting compile after copying a Custom event to another blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 28, 2016

User will hit an ensure first when pasting a copied custom event, and will crash after compiling. ...

Animgraph-Blend node-Alpha Scale Bias-larger values imprecise

OLD - Anim - Jan 21, 2015

When setting the alpha scale bias for a blend node in the AnimGraph, if you set the values so that the difference is greater than 10, the values will not enter as whole numbers (see image.) ...

Real Time Preview for Converted Vector Parameters not working

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 5, 2014

The Real Time Preview of Converted Vector Parameters from the Material Editor are not currently previewing in the level viewport without re-compiling the material. ...

Morph target LOD over 0 not worrking with GPU skin

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Dec 17, 2019

I do not know what happen here and I need the help of the rendering team to debug this issue. There is no log at all even with -d3debug If you import the file SK_LOD_Morph_Working.fbx its a similar ...

Deleting a material layer from a stack, re-linking the layers, then deleting that layer again crashes the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 5, 2021

The important step here is to unlink the middle layer after first relinking everything. ...

Shadows cast on a translucent forward shaded materials renders with jagged edges

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 31, 2022

Shadows cast on a translucent forward shaded materials renders with jagged edges. In 4.27 the edges are different with some jagged points only those points are not as prominent. [Link Removed] ...

Precomputed Visibility no longer calculated on Landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 24, 2015

Placing a Precomputed Visibility Volume around or through a landscape does not seem to calculate precomputed visibility for that landscape. This is a regression from behavior in 4.7.6. Also Tested ...