As you can see from the above callstack it appears that calling RestoreArea can call FindPotentiallyClosedTab again higher in the stack, which can Remove() an entry from CollapsedDockAreas- this cau ...
Assertion occurs when undoing a Child State's unparenting from another Child State. Repro Rate: 5/5Assertion failed: false [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Public\Widgets\Views ...
Uniform Ranged for integers maximum is exclusive but should be inclusive or at least say otherwise ...
Setting "Use Dynamic Material Instance" to true in the landscape details will cause the editor to crash. Reproduced in 4.19.0 CL 3944462 and 4.20 Main. This feature is not available in 4.18.3. ...
Attempting to use the Rebuild option in Visual Studio will fail to build the project. It instead produces a message that "Epic was unexpected". ...
An access violation occurs in FNiagaraSkeletalMeshRegionBoneFilterDetails::HandleBoneNameComboBoxSelectionChanged() due to StringItem is nullptr. SkeletalMeshRegionCustomization.cpp void FNiagaraS ...
Users can create project with existing name of "Slack" which causes conflict with existing Slack.h. Call stack is log file. ...
When a scene is light with a single Stationary Directional Light and a Single Stationary Skylight and packaged to use Windowed Fullscreen, there is a difference in how the scene is rendered compared ...
Root Motion from Everything doesn't accept Root Motion from Montages in 4.11. This works in 4.10. Can regress down the issue if needed. ...
Light Propagation Volume Occlusion does not affect scene as it should. The workaround in 4.17.2 is to disable DBuffer decals which will enable the Light Propagation Volume Occlusion. Occurs in 4.1 ...