Crash when changing details of an animation in an Animation Composite

UE - Anim - Jun 7, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Fatal error is thrown and the Editor crashes when changing details of an animation in an Animation Composite. ...

Editor sometimes crashes when trying to compile an Animation Blueprint that extends a class with AnimInstanceProxy

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jan 10, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed Regression. Seems to work fine when compiled once, but after the 2nd or 3rd time it crashes. ...

Crash when loading Anim BP after undoing and saving "Use Shared Rule" in state machine

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 19, 2022

Reported by UDN  [Link Removed] From Slack discussion: It seems that undo-ing the transaction in UAnimStateTransitionNode::UseSharedRules, leaves the outer graph (UAnimationStateMachineGraph) wit ...

Following the 'Working with Modular Characters - Skeletal Mesh Merge Example' results compilation errors

UE - Anim - Feb 10, 2022

This is a Regression. Tested in: //UE5/Release-5.0 CL 18747223 GitHub //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 Binary The example can't be completed in UE5 as expected presumably because of a change within ...

Packaged ThirdPerson template with "start in vr" enabled packaged and launched with "-nohmd" crashes

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 31, 2021

The callstack is not XR-specific, it's just the engine trying to secure the audio device on startup, windows failing to return one, and the app not being able to continue safely. The crash does not ...

Editor crashes when edit foliage assigned to data layer in foliage mode

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 29, 2022

Check() when loading a child anim BP used as a linked instance

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jun 7, 2021

Check encountered by CloudChamber. Slack thread: [Link Removed] ...

Geometry Collection crashing BP Simulation when set to enable Physics via Event Graph

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 2, 2022

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. Issue does not occur when user Simulates in level viewport, nor when geometry collecti ...

Widget Blueprints Fail to Compile When Copying Collapsed Graphs into Functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 28, 2022

Collapsed blueprint nodes that are copied and pasted into a function graph of a Widget will cause a fatal error when the blueprint compiles, as seen in the callstack, and will provide the message: " ...

OnlineServices-Lobbies: Crash when host migration message is received and the next host has already left the session

UE - Online - Sep 9, 2024

A crash occurs at FindChecked in the code below.if (PreparedServiceChanges->OwnerAccountId) { InternalPublicData->OwnerAccountId = *PreparedServiceChanges->OwnerAccountId; if (bDispatchNot ...