The WindowsVideoRecordingSystem can start to record late when a StartAction is done. Not sure if it starts to record late, or the first seconds of the resulting video are ommited when the mp4 file i ...
From a licensee: The issue is that under certain edge conditions I am experiencing Anim Notifies not being executed on our Dedicated Server ( it is an off case, so they typically do work, there a ...
If exiting the editor before the EditorUtilityTask completes, it crashes. It will not crash if canceling the UtilityTask and then exit the editor. The following implementation does not allow destruc ...
Modify gets called from AWaterBody constructor: WaterSplineMetadata->Reset(3); WaterSplineMetadata->AddPoint(0.0f); WaterSplineMetadata->AddPoint(1.0f); WaterSplineMetadata->AddPoint ...
Child blueprints of a blueprint of a native actor class with sparse data can have an incorrectly null SparseClassDataStruct value, and thus fail to initialzie their SparseClassData. This affects edi ...
Reported from this UDN: The problem is that, except in very specific circ ...
UCharacterMovementComponent::ReplicateMoveToServer checks IsReplicatingMovement before sending moves to the server, but the server does not check IsReplicatingMovement when processing these received ...
Platforms .ini config files can end up with incorrect data, due to how ProjectSettings manages the config data. On a Windows machine, if we open the ProjectSettings window, all the data is going to ...
The DataValidationCommandlet can run out of memory during execution as it does not unload any of the validated assets. This does not seem to be specific to the commandlet, since the UEditorValidato ...