When attempting to call a RPC (NetMulticast, in this case) or use an OnRep_ Property, there seems to be a delay between setting the variable and it being replicated. In 4.15, this was around two t ...
There were some font regressions in 4.16 that we've since fixed (CL# 3456916 and CL# 3425681). These are affecting live users so we should get them into the next 4.16 build. ...
A licensee is having issues syncing their fonts folder from within the editor using Subversion. This issue only occurs with their Fonts folder; with the callstack they supplied, this leads me to bel ...
Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest. This is most noticeable with the large cube in the 1st Person template project. It also happens with the smaller cubes but not ...
A licensee recently pointed out that there are now several GoogleVR lib files in 4.16 that are present in the Engine twice due to some of them being copied into a subdirectory. For example, , in 4.1 ...
The change to make the grab handle a uniform size in CL# 3319966 changed the distance from the top of the node to the pin, which breaks a part of their primary purpose, to soothe OCD misalignment is ...
Merged static mesh doesn't maintain scale if created using the AddStaticMeshComponent node. User Description: The second thing: My workaround for that is to create a tiny triangle mesh with simple ...
The editor is crashing when clicking the Maximize button on a standalone window when a startup movie is playing. ...
Creating a material using a texture (say, blue) and then changing the source file on the texture and reimporting will not update the shadow color after building lighting. Making changes to the mate ...