Ensures when packaging a project for Windows

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 17, 2017

Packaging a blueprint project fails due to multiple ensures. This does not occur in UE4/Main. ...

UnrealVS is not working in Visual Studio 2017

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2017

The UnrealVS add-on appears to install correctly in Visual Studio 2017 (resolved in [Link Removed]), but it does not appear to be working correctly in that version of Visual Studio once it is instal ...

Drop down menus clip on 27" Screen iMacs

UE - Platform - Apple - Mar 17, 2017

Drop down menus clip on 27" Screen iMacs (See attached images.) Reported from a 27" iMac and tested on a 27" iMac here. Other models may be affected. *Image with Blue circled areas are from the use ...

DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject is not recognized when an actor is duplicated

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2017

Adding DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject to a class after placing an instance of that class in the viewport will fail to be recognized when duplicating the placed instance. This is not a hot reload issue ...

Sequencer Render: Animation not updating for a moment on camera cut

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 17, 2017

When rendering from sequencer to an image sequence, character animation stops for 2 frames after a camera cut. This hitch does not occur when playing the sequence in PIE I've attached some sample d ...

Memory leak when repeatedly opening levels on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 17, 2017

We tested on xiaomi 4c. ...

Crash When Pasting More Than 1024 Characters Into Component Name

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2017

I think this issue is mostly caused by users accidentally pasting a lot of text from (for example)a blueprint node while renaming a component. All you have to do is have a BP node in your clipboard ...

In "Blueprint could not be loaded..." mesage, No and Cancel do the same thing

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2017

In the warning message the user receives when opening a blueprint with an invalid/disabled class (such as opening a Wheeled Vehicle Pawn with PhysX Vehicles plugin disabled), the user is given Yes/N ...

Editor Crashes when creating a function in Child Anim Blueprint

OLD - Anim - Mar 16, 2017

Editor Crashes when creating a function in Child Anim Blueprint. Regression: This issue did NOT occur in 4.13.2 Binary build ...

The Difference node no longer updates after the first call

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2017

The Difference node no longer updates after the first call. It appears to save the values passed into it on it's first call Note Possible workaround: If a clear node is used on the difference node ...