Windowed Fullscreen does not support multiple resolutions

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jul 16, 2024

Sequencer- Crash on restoring state when a user has animated level visibility as well as skeletal animation on an actor in the invisible level

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 16, 2024

When a level sequence animates level visibility as well as skeletal animation on an actor within that sub-level, restoring state will first unstream the level, which will unregister the skeletal mes ...

Issue when turnning a character into ragdoll using PhysicsControlComp with async physics

UE - Anim - Synthesis - Jul 16, 2024

When turnning a moving character into ragdoll, it freeze a bit with TickPhysicsAsync on. If we log the character's pelvis position, it seems jump backward in the first few ticks. Also, it only happ ...

Crash when load the levelinstance what is set "LevelBehavior=Standalone" in the stanadalone game

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jul 16, 2024

A crash occurs when LevelInstance with LevelBehavior set to "Standalone" is loaded in a standalone game. Specifically, when LevelInstance is deleted by moving outside the loading range of the worldp ...

Crash when playing NiagaraSystem with mesh renderer in CPUSim with Compress Attributes enabled when stompmalloc is enabled

UE - Niagara - Jul 16, 2024

Crashes when playing Niagara particles with the following conditions enabled. It crashes only when stompmalloc is enabled, not when disabled. Enable Ray tracingEnable Compress Attributes in System P ...

Different CRC32 Results for Repeated Hashing of UStaticMesh

UE - Foundation - Jul 15, 2024

1. Download the Licensee repro, compile, and open: 2. Press the first hatched button on the top bar, next to the Platforms dropdown. ...

Broken TextureTest BP in Landmass plugin base content

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Jul 15, 2024

It appears that the Landmass plugin has a content dependency on the BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes plugin. If the BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes is not loaded, then the blueprint "/Landmass/Landscape ...

Custom node not working with material attributes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 15, 2024

Using Material Attributes as an input to a Custom Expression causes the HLSL Translator to create multiple CustomExpression# functions, for each used member of the Material Attributes, rather than u ...

crash at checkUERenderCommandPipeIsReplaying in RenderScenecpp

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jul 15, 2024

Drawing a material to a render target when that material samples an RVT can cause an editor crash. In our testing, the check() did not always occur on the first PIE session, but would always occur ...

UE5.4 Regression - crash when disabling shader optimization while raytracing is enabled on D3D12

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jul 15, 2024

Certain interactions between a Rect Light with a Light Function and a Post-Process volume lead to a check() when compiling a Ray Tracing PSO for tracing lights. This check() only happens when shader ...