FLowLevelMemTracker::TickInternal() the ELLMTag::Total (and therefore ELLMTag::Untracked) memory amounts are calculated based only on the result of FPlatformMemory::GetStats(), which on the Windows ...
When an actor is moved on the level editor viewport, it is reconstructed along with its components, which at first makes their properties reset to their default state. Thankfully, this does not happ ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 The editor crashes when a physics asset of an animation with rigid body collides with geometry collection. ...
Collision between an instanced static mesh and a physics simulating actor (with "simulation generates hits events" enabled) results in the following warning: LogChaos: Warning: Collision handler en ...
The stems from a really old change (CL 2948683) to fix [Link Removed]. Compiling ObjectA will call RefreshExternalBlueprintDependencyNodes on its dependent BP, ObjectB_ReferencesA, which reconstru ...
From the UDN post that reported the problem: The BuildCookRun Automation script offers a commandline option called -EnablePlugins= which allows the user to specify additional plugins that should ...
It seems that when comparing the custom versions for a replay (in the "operator<<" defined in ReplayTypes.cpp), the value retrieved from the FCurrentCustomVersions is not the value set at runtime, b ...
Target Point Actors are changing location when in a World Partition Map within a Shipping Build. This does not occur in Non World Partition Maps. The name of the Asset also changes when in a World ...